Well, Buddhism and Communism do not have a set boundary between religion and ideologies.
For consistency, if some parts of Buddhism and Communism were to be idealistic, Humanism would be based upon...
Ideologies too. Since there is really no divine power, their values of being above other beings would be beliefs instead of norms and values.
Aren't their ideas branched or revamped from monotheistic religions though? Doesn't that make them believe in some type of deity?
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That does not mean their belief associates with a superhuman order like Monotheistic religions do. Their belief in "Supreme Good is the Good in Homo-sapiens" sanctifies humanity instead of a divine authority upon how they live their lives.
Oh right! And one of the important qualities of religion is that it shall be based on superhuman laws instead of human decisions.
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By definition and qualities of what religion is, it is not a religion!
Or all other beings live just for the benefit of Homo sapiens..
Exactly, if there is no superhuman order that ordained this law of "human's have sacred nature"...