I sometimes have sick fancies., and I have a sick fancy that I want to see some play. There, there! Play, play, play!
Pip was visiting his dead family members at the church graveyard near his house when a man, later known as convict 1, comes to Pip and threatens him to bring him food and a file by sitting him on a tombstone and shaking him.
After cautiously stealing wittles and the file for the convict, Pip sets of to the marhes to find him and, for all he knows, save his life. On the way he runs into a different convict and tells convict one about it when he gets there. Convict one is very grateful for the food and file and starts using it right away.
Pip is almost found out for stealing the wittles at Christmas dinner because Pumblechook has just drank the brandy with tar in it. Christmas dinner happens with all the family friends that condescend him constantly. He is very scared and doesn't feel like he fits in.
Pip is saved by the knock at the door when the military came to ask for Joe's help. The military then invited them to go with them to the marsh and find the missing convicts so Pip, Joe, and Mr. Wopsle went with them. While there, the convict admits to stealing the food so Pip doesn't get in trouble.
I am instructed to communicate to him that he will come into a handsome property. Further, that it is the desire of the present possessor of that property, that he be immediately removed from his present sphere of life and from this place, and be brought up as a gentleman--in a word, as a young fellow of great expectations.
After getting invited, Pip goes to Sattis House for the first time and meets Miss Havisham and Estella. He starts looking down upon himself after being asked to play and them mocking him. This opens his eyes up to what other classes have and he longs for it. This is the start of hie great expectations.
That's just what I don't want, Joe. They would make such a business of it--such a coarse and common business--that I couldn't bear myself.
In light of his new expectations, Pip goes to Biddy, his best friend, for help and she tutors him.
Good-bye. My dear, dear friend!
Pip continues to visit Miss Havisham and they become more familiar and they start talking more.
Image Attributions:Bandana and Braid (https://www.flickr.com/photos/41894168277@N01/385255240/) - mikegoren - License: Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)Marsh (https://www.flickr.com/photos/7874649@N03/32761129094/) - Regina Hart - License: Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)
Miss Havisham invites Joe and Pip to the Sattis House and give them money for Pip to be bound to Joe. Joe only talks to Pip and embarrases him in front of Miss Havisham. She knows that Pip is not happy about this, however Joe is very grateful.
Pip comes back from Miss Havisham's and finds that someone had come into his house and hurt Mrs. Joe. She was hit on the back of the head with an iron like the one his convict was wearing and she now has permanent brain damage.
Joe and Pip meet Jaggers in the Jollly Bargeman and he asks them for a private conference after embarrassing Mr. Wopsle in front of everyone. Once back at the Forge, Jaggers reveals the news to them that an unknown person has given him a large fortune and he is supposed to go to London and be raised as a gentleman.
After this message, Pip is very rude to everyone. He thinks that they are too low class for him and that they he is better. His relationships with everyone he knows start to fall apart.
Pip has said his last goodbyes and is finally leaving to become his great expectations. He realizes what he has done to his relationships through these expectations and regrets it.