Hello my name is Sammy and today we'll be learning about cells with the help of my totally safe and patented space time continuum ripper 3000 and 6 really amazing scientists
But first before we meet the pioneer scientists we must their cell theory the first rule is all organisms are composed of one or more cells the second is that the cell is the most basic unit of life the third and final rule is all cells must come from pre-existing alive onesNow lets go meet our scientists
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Here are our first scientists were around the 1600-1800s
My name is Anton I Discovered Bacteria in 1676 in The Netherlands I contributed the idea that all cells are the smallest unit of life
My name is Zacharias I invented the compound microscope in 1608 in the Netherlands I contributed the idea that the smallest unit of life is a cell
My name is Robert Hooke I invented the word cell in 1665 in the England when I first discovered cells I contributed the idea of cells making up living things
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My name is Matthias In Germany 1838 I discovered plants were made of cells re-enforcing the idea that all living things are made of cells
My name is Theodor In 1839 In Germany I discovered all animals are made up of cells further re-enforcing that all living things are made up of cells
The time continuum ripper 3000has exploded and sent me back to the eternal void I'll be back for you in a bit in the meantime you can talk to the other three scientists
My name is Rudolph In 1858 In Germany discovered that cells came from pre-existing cells I contributed the 3rd rule of cell theory