Always remember, If you feel lonely and afraid, we'll always here for you son.
Hey, son! How's online class? You look exhausted. Do you need any help?
Online class' challenging but I still cope and learn regardless this kind of new normal.
Thanks, Mom and Dad for always checking in.
Mental health is our overall psychological well-being. Of course were human beings there's always a door for improving our mental health.
Our assignment is about "Way's Improving Mental Health". So, Mom and Dad, what are your thoughts/advices about it?
You should make social connection--talk to your friends, interact with someone who cares, listen attentively and be morally aware.
Find purpose and meaning. You can talk to your self, engage in something you feel useful, practice exercises--a relaxation one, like yoga and meditation. It will surely a great help.
I think we all have purpose that's why we are here. And taking care to our health--especially our mental health is a must.
Take some time to relax, contemplate and pay attention to the positive things. Enjoy every little things. Do whatever makes you confident.
As you aged, learn to appreciate every moment. Embrace yourself and people who's important to you. Take a break if you need and don't forget to step up.
Don't hesitate to ask for help. Eat foods rich in proteins and vitamins. Be kind, always.
Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa. I've learn a lot about improving mental health.
From now on, I will be taking care of my mental health because it matters the most. And maybe should I learn new skills and try things that excites me.