The monsters Are Due on Maple Street Theme: Mankind is its own worst enemey.
In, "The Monsters are due on Maple Steet" by Rob Serling, one of the main themes is "Mankind is it's worst enemy.First, mankind is it's worst enemy because when Les Goodman turned on the car its didn't start, but when they were blaming Les Goodman for being an alien the car started on it's own and they started running on each other.Second, mankind is it's worst enemy because Charlie was quick to shoot Pete Van Horn, this tells you that Charlie is being suspicious and is mostly scared of the monster approaching him, so he kills him with the gun without thinking. Lastly, when the neighborhood is killing each other and the real aliens are shown,they talk about how all they need to do is turn off some lights and the people will find scrape goats and kill each other. This evidence shows that humans will find a reason to turn on each other from suspicion. In conclusion, the best theme to explain the monsters are due on Maple Street is mankind is its own enemy.