"Now Cyllenian Hermes called away the suitors' ghosts, holding firm in his hand the wand of fine pure gold"
This scene is important because it shows how the suitors got what they deserved. In this scene Hermes delivered the suitors to the underworld himself to make sure they get there.
This scene is important because it shows that they did not let their differences get the better of them. We see that they are engaging in good conversation and are not mad about their past experiences.
"But you were doomed to encounter fate so early, you too, yet no one born escapes its deadly force"
"Son of Peleus, great godlike Achilles! Happy man, you died on the fields of Troy, a world away from home"
"Hold back, you men of Ithaca, back from brutal war! Break off- shed no more blood- make peace at once"
This scene is important because Mentes is protecting Odysseus from the suitors families. Athena throughout the whole book had been looking over Odysseus since the beginning and it shows again in this scene.