Telescreen- A version of a T.V that can also hear and see everything people do. Throughout the novel, this word is very important because it shows the reader how Big Brother is controlling people. Also, it adds to the feeling of hiding and secrecy that Winston has to go through to try and rebel against the party. The sentence that uses the vocabulary: Winston shielded his journal from the telescreen for fear of the party seeing him write in it.
Vaporized- Another way of saying death in English terms. However in the book it is some mysterious thing that happens to people and they just disappear by the Party because they are a threat to them. No one knows how or what happens to the people who get vaporized but they know they never come back. This helps the novel and minds of the characters develop vy showing the way this word controls not only the way they think but also their actions. The sentence that uses the vocabulary: If the Party catches wind of Winston and his thoughts about Big Brother he will most likely be vaporized for his thoughts and actions.
Propaganda- The dictionary defines propaganda as “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.” This is used throughout 1984 by Big Brother and all the people in the Party. Not only are their posters but also the way they control and almost brainwash all of the people is a form of propaganda. This helps the reader understand how helpless and confused all of these people are and just how much control and twist Big Brother has put on the world. The sentence that uses the vocabulary: The use of propaganda in this novel is a key factor to Big Brother and the Party.
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