One day, there is a student named Ben, the principal's son, who is a transferee.
Good morning class. You have a new classmate. Please introduce yourself to them.
Hello, I am Ben. I'm 12 years old. I hope that we will get along with one another.
Thank you Ben for introducing yourself. Class, please be good to him. Ben, you may now sit on that chair Ben.
Thank you so much ma'am.
Okay, let us now start our lesson...
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Ben thought that he will have a happy journey in the school where he transferred. However, it is where he will experience the cruelty of other students toward him.
Hey! You are Ben right? Give us your money!
Why would I give you my money?
Just give it to us!
No! I won't!
HAHAHAHA! You are weak!
Ughh! Why did you that?
We are not yet done with you Ben. Let's go guys. Teacher Jen is coming!
Hey boys! What is happening?
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The principal of the school heard about the fight. So, the four of them were called to the principal's office.
I heard what happened. Teacher Jen told me that you keep on bullying Ben. Why are you doing that? He is my son, but I am not on his side because of that. The three of you are being so cruel. I know that it is not only Ben that you are bullying. You better stop that or else, you will be punished.
We are very sorry sir. It won't happen again.
Sorry Ben for hurting and making fun of you.
I really hope that you will stop bullying me and the other students.
The three boys apologized to Ben and they got settled. THE END.