David was born in Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, in the year 2854 (907 BCE), during the era of the prophets. He was the youngest of seven sons, and only 10 generations removed from Judah, one of Jacob's 12 sons. He was also a descendant of ruth.
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While David was in the garden taking care of the sheeps a man called Samuel comes and tells him that he will be the future king of Israel and he gets anointed to the direction of God. Then his father tells him to go send food to his brothers, who were in the war against the philistines.
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David gets to Israel's camp, and when he gets there and sees nobody is fighting, he decides to talk to King Saul. He tells him he wants to fight against the Philistines, but then he realizes that he would have to fight against a Giant that was called Goliath. He asked King Saul to armour him up to fight against Goliath. And then he told King Saul that one time while taking care of his sheep, a lion came and took one of his sheep, so he fought against the Lion, and killed it. When King Saul heard that, He accepted David to fight against Goliath.