Not that it bothers me but why do you let your daughter play with trucks and cars and dress like a boy?
I feel as if children should be allowed to play with and dress how they feel no matter what gender they are.
Aren't you afraid they may get bullied in school or question their sexuality in the future?
That's true but children bully no matter what they wear or play with and will explore sexual preferences on their own
I understand what you're saying but I think may be you would pushing them to a certain sexuality if you allow such things
Allowing freedom and teaching her that girls can do exactly what boys can do will not push her to same sex sexuality.
Will you also let her play sports that are intended for boys as well?
Whichever sport she shows interest I will support her wishes and continue to push individuality.
Individuality is great teaching aspect but I feel that once she's in middle school kids are more cruel and would put pressure to change anyway.
The purpose of teaching individuality is to teach her to be herself and do what makes her happy no what someone else may think,
Do you believe outside appearances and personal likings can also hinder future career obligations?
I believe that as I continue to gender-neutral parent it will promote more positive responses from other children and will urge other parents to do the same as time goes on.