I know Preston better than anyone. He is my best friend.
And my name is Barton. I’m a super hero and also Preston’s pet.
Preston is afraid to go to school. When his classmates talk to him, he starts to feel really anxious.
Where do polar bears keep their money? In a snowbank!
Polar bears, don’t have money? Why would she think that that joke is funny?
Ha ha ha, 😂
Preston doesn’t always understand his classmates humor. This makes it hard for him to make friends.
I enjoy live music! So does my friend Rex. Preston, on the other hand, finds it very overwhelming and scary if it’s too loud.
Buy request here is everyone’s favorite song! Enjoy!
Ahhh! 😩 the music is so loud! It hurts my ears!
One day, when Preston was sitting at his desk, his students grabbed him in a scary way.
It doesn’t help that Preston experienced a scary event at school.
Ahhhhh! 😧 why are you trying to hurt me?
OK class! I would like you to write these sentences as many times as you can.
Preston sometimes doesn’t like to do homework when it’s hard.
This is difficult, and I don’t want to do it.
Leave me alone, mom! I hate school, and I hate everyone!
How was school Preston?
Preston does his best to do well at school.
He doesn’t mean to. He doesn’t tell anybody at school that he’s struggling and this creates a buildup of anger.
But when he is home, he takes his anger out on everyone else.
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Image Attributions
5745012 - Ryutaro Tsukata - (License Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed