Shhhh....... don't tell the young lord I am hidden. Ather wise he will send me to the mountains to die and give my son a punishment.
The main characters in the story are the farmer, his mother, and the young lord. The story takes place in a little village in Japan.
How, we can't it is immpossibale.
The main conflict is that the young lord does not like people over the age of 71 and sence he does not like the people over the age 71 her sends them to the mountains.
Falling action
The young farmer hides his mother in the floor and does not follow the rule of taking his mother to the mountains to die.
Ya we don't have to go to the mountains to die.
Ya, thank you so much for changing your mind.
Thank goodness you changed your mind my birthday is coming up.
Ya, it is immpossibale.
Lord Higa has all of these impossibale taskts that they have to solve other wise he gets to take over the village.
You guys need to figure out the immpossibale tasks.
The farmers mother solves all of the impossibale tasks, then lord Higa does not get to take over the village.
Well son, that impossibale task is easy I don't even know why it is called the impossibale task.
The young lord changes the way that he thinks of old people that are the age 71.