We are on the planet Mars, everything seems like a desert
What an amazing place, but this place has seasons, ice caps, volcanoes, canyons, and weather. It has a thin atmosphere made of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and argon. There are signs of ancient flooding on Mars, but now the water exists mainly in its icy dust and thin clouds.
Wow, it's similar to the planet earth
Why is it cold here but when we leave this cave it seems that we even melt?
The reason is that we are on the planet closest to the sun, and we are in this deep crater so that the heat does not melt us like ice cream, but anyway, this planet has a solid surface with large craters, resulting from collisions with meteorites. and kites,
How strange is this place
Welcome to Saturn, one of the giant planets in our solar system, here it is. Saturn is the second largest planet after Jupiter and is known for its ring system. Since it can be seen with the naked eye, Saturn is a planet known since ancient times, Saturn and Jupiter are two planets with very similar characteristics. Both are made up mainly of hydrogen and helium, which are also the main components of the Sun. AND IT HAS A BIG RING AROUND IT AND GUESS WHAT, Scientists think they are ice balls or stones covered with ice.