"Life was serene when the buffalo used to roam and I was living in my tipi. It was just us for thousands of years."
Railroads 1869
"Then one day, the white settlers showed up. They had their idea of stealing our resources and land. There were a lot of people but many of them were farmers.
Exodusters (Post Civil War)
"Many years later, there was a surge of people who rushed to the creeks and fought with each other for something they found in the sand. Apparently, what they found was worth something of value.
Dawes Act 1887
"The Transcontinental Railroad was completed in 1869. One day this giant thing called a steam locomotive came chugging through my people's land that was once peaceful and full of buffalo".
"Exodusters also came out west. They were sick of the harsh life in south and wanted a better future."
"Soon we were assimilated into US culture. We had to go to school and learn English as well as wearing different clothing."
Battle of Wounded Knee
Long Drive
The End
"The most horrible day of my life was the Battle of Wounded Knee. A gunshot went off. No one knows who shot. Suddenly, I could not believe what I saw. About 200 of my people were killed by US troops on December 29, 1890.
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"Later, many cattle were rounded up by cowboys and put onto freight trains. The cattle would supply US cities with beef.
"Today, there are not a lot of Native American reservations left. The US is a great country, but I wish my people had been treated better when it was settled."
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162520 - Pixabay - (License Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed
51311 - Pixabay - (License Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed