Once upon a time there was a kingdom. The way the kingdom worked was that if someone was accused, he would go to the arena to determine their innocence or guilt. In the arena, there were two doors to pick from. If he chose the door with a tiger, the tiger would kill him because he must've been guilty. If he chose the door of innocence, which behind it stood a beautiful women for them to marry.
This man must be guilty. He shall now die!
I love the princess!
There is a man who loves the princess. The king found out and sentenced the man to prison to wait his trial.
You are going to go on trial for loving the princess!
Rising Action
Once the princess finds out about the trial, she doesn't know what to do with herself. She knows her lover is counting on her finding the secret of the doors out, so she does. Once she finds out which door leads to life and which door leads to death, she is unsure as to which door to point her lover to.
Oh no! My lover is going on trial! I have found out the secret of the doors! I will point him in the door of life. But wait a minute; if I point to the door of life, my lover must marry the women inside it. I hate her. She is awful. I can't spend my whole life being jealous of her! No way! But how can I point him to the door of death? How can I live with the guilt that I killed him?