Mason enters the kitchen but finds that breakfast isn't prepared
DARRYL! Where is the food? DARYL? Where is he?
Mason grabs the landline phone on a tiny table in the walkway and calls his chef, Daryl.
Dang it, I'll just hire another one
Good. That means you can come over here and make me breakfast so I can BURY it in my stomach. Besides, your dead mother isn't paying you, is she? Dead people don't pay. You know who is paying you, though, BOY? ME. So. get over here now while you're still getting paid.
Where are you?
What, you can'—" click
I - I - I told you, sir, I had a funeral to go to. I just buried my mother.
No. I quit
You, can you cook?"
just as useless as I thought. Get out of my sight.
Sherle enters the room
Or what? You're going to hit me, rich boy? You haven't hit a single thing in your life because you live off of daddy's money, and even now, you live off of his death with no accomplishments to your name. As far as I'm concerned, I may be low class, but you're worse. You're trashy parasitic scum, MASON
You know what? I don't WANT to be in the sight of such an insufferable douchebag
You best watch your mouth, woman
No, sir, I can't. Daryl had a funeral to go to, right? Didn't he le—