The way I felt in the beginning of the story was hopeful because I like the determination that the mother had and it being interesting. As a teacher, this make me want the best support and accommodation for my students and to get them help if, I notice they need it.
Parent advocating
Parent Teacher ConferenceMarch 21. 202312-3pm and 5-8pm
The middle of the story shows how the family was determined.I like that even in troubled time and hearing bad news, the family remained hopeful and did not have doubts.
Ways teachers can help share parent voice
Parent workshop 3/10/2023 hereFamily Night 3/19/2023
The story talks about the right supports. It crucial for a child with a disability to succeed, and reach their potential. As a teacher, I will strive to support my teacher in the best way possible and if I can't do it, then I will get resources for that student, to help .
More way to help share parents voice
One way a teacher can help a parent share their voice is regularly hosting parent teacher meeting or a set time to talk to parent like a teacher office hours that is after school to talk about their child needed and address issues.
Another way a teacher can help a parent share their voice is by hosting a family night to talk about issues A third way is to do workshops to learn about important issues and to be aware of them.
Another way a teacher can help parent share their voice is by doing surveys for each child to get feedback to improve and to let parent have an input.
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