Good morning grade 6's, I hope every one is doing great! Please look on your tables everyone has a few cards that we will be working with. But before that let's get some answers to these questions:a. how would you manage your day without a clock?b. why you you think clocks and time is important?c. what would you used instead of a clock if there was no such thing as a clock or time?
Prior knowledge
Each of you have time cards some have 24 hour times and others have 12 hour times, you will have 5 minutes to convert the times! If they are in words you will draw them on the clock and if it is on the clock you will put it in words, in both the 24 hour and 24 hour formats
If you got a pink sticky note- tell us one key idea you took back today yellow sticky note- one thing you would like to share from today's lessongreen sticky note- something you would like to revisit from today's lesson