'When shall we three meet again?In thunder, lightning, or in rain?'
'When the hurly-burly's done;When the battle's lost and won.' Fair is foul and foul is fair.
Out on the open field to meet with Macbeth.
Witches are deciding what weather they'd prefer for their next. This shows how powerful they are. Three witches, the Weird Sisters, will see Macbeth "when the battle's lost and won" and "Fair is foul and foul is far."
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Malcome, you are next in line for the throne!, Oh, Macbeth, We're going to be staying at your place tonight.
It will be my honour, father.
I will tell my wife in a letter that you are coming."Stars, hide your fires / Let not light see my black and deep desires"
King Duncan announces his decision to make his son Malcolm the heir to the throne of Scotland. Duncan then states that he plans to visit Macbeth at his home in Inverness. Macbeth mentions that he would write a letter to his wife so that they start the preparations for the king's visit.
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Alack, I am afraid they have awaked,And ’tis not done. Th’ attempt and not the deedConfounds us. Hark!—I laid their daggers ready;He could not miss ’em. Had he not resembledMy father as he slept, I had done ’t.
I have done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise?
She tells that she drugged the King's guards and set their weapons out where Macbeth wouldn't miss them. She says she would've killed Duncan herself, if he hadn't looked so much like her father in his sleep. Macbeth comes in with bloody hands and says he has done the deed. He is asking if she heard any noise.