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ASL project

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ASL project
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  • Are any of you taking ASL?
  • No, I chose spanish sorry!
  • I am! Can I help you with anything?
  • Yes! What are some things I should know before my first day?
  • Oh I'm glad you asked. You should know the cultural norms
  • This distracts the signers and can be confusing for deaf people to differ chewing from speaking
  • The first thing you should make sure to NEVER do is, chew gum in class
  • Got it, no gum! What else should I know?
  • Well...
  • Pay attention to your body language. Though you may not mean to be rude, crossing your arms while someone is signing to you is considered so. It can make you seem uninterested and also can prevent you from being able to sign back.
  • I think I'm starting to get the hang of this, Thanks for your help!
  • Oops! Got it no headphones.
  • Of course! But Another thing you should look out for is headphones
  • Wearing headphones in a Deaf environment is rude and excluding
  • Thank you for all your tips, I was quite nervous to start ASL
  • No problem I'm happy to help, There's still more to go over but we can discuss that at dinner
  • I think I'm heading home soon, are there some other Cultural Norms I should know
  • Voicing off is important Deaf people can only understand what you sign, It's rude to have a conversation with your voice so make sure sign is your only way of communicating
  • Yes, the most important thing you should do before entering class is voicing off
  • Got it! Some Norms I know are NO gum, NO headphones, Voicing off, and keeping an inviting body language
  • Great Job! Goodluck on your first day tomorrow.
  • Me! I can.
  • *signs* Welcome to ASL! Does anyone know the Cultural Norms?
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