Odysseus is the Greek king of Ithaca who, after fighting in the Trojan War for ten years, is making his way home. He and his men are met with many trevails on the way, delaying them an additional ten years. His return to Ithaca culminates in the slaughter of his wife's suitors.
Example 2
Odysseus is loved and admired by his men. He uses his cunning, bravery, and sheer strength to get him and his men out of seemingly impossible situations. He also displays risky behavior at times, but his bravado is part of his heroic appeal.
Example 3
Odysseus uses his cunning to escape Cyclops Polyphemus' cave. First he gets Polyphemus drunk and pokes his eye out. Then he tells him he is "Nohbody," so when Polyphemus cries out that “nobody” has tricked him and ruined him, the other Cyclopses ignore him. Finally, Odysseus ties his men to the bellies of Polyphemus' sheep so that they can escape.
Odysseus is brave and likes to live large. He wanted to hear the sound of the Sirens, so after plugging his mens' ears with wax, he had them tie him up. Odysseus is not afraid of risk which makes him a classic Greek hero.
Odysseus is phsically strong. Upon his return to Ithaca, he disguises himself as a beggar. His wife Penelope challenges her suitors to string Odysseus' bow believing only Odysseus has the strength to do it. The "beggar" is the only one who can do it, and when he does, he kills all of the suitors.
Odysseus is a great leader because of his ability to overcome whatever hardship comes his way. He uses his cunning, his bravery, and his physical strength to overcome adversity and return home. Although he engages in risky behavior, it earns him the repect of his men who see him as larger-than-life.
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