Extreme Wide Shot of the whole sequence in action.
Rizzing: Medium Close Up
Bottle half buried in the sand: Rack Focus of the beginning scene going down
Medium Shot: Disinterested Girls
Low Upward Angle ShotCocky Guy rizzing up girls.Girls are disinterested.
Medium Close: Detecting Bottle
POV: Found Bottle
Girls: Annoyed and Disinterested in what the guy is saying.
Troy runs over the part of the sand where the Hot Sauce is buried.
*Camera Looking up at Troy*Bottle's POV looking up at stick and then Troy looking down at the bottle observing itAND grabbing it
Troy Picks up the Bottle
Medium Shot: Girls notice Troy behind Cocky Guy holding the hot sauce bottle.
Dramatic Slow Mo Zoom In
Medium Shot: Girls move Past Cocky Guy
Observes the bottle in his hands
Medium Close Up: Cocky guy rotation around after girls sprint past him
Girls peek out from Cocky Guy and start noticing Troy holding the Mad Hombre Sauce.SPX happens off screen, fire or flash
Over The Shoulder:Defeated Cocky Guy
Shows Troy holding the bottle with his whole wardrobe changedStabilized Shot
Alternative Ending
Girls run after troy in excitement and determined
Ending Shot of Hot Sauce
Cocky Guy rotates around as camera pans close to his face to see what the heck is going on behind me?
Over the shoulder shot of Cocky Guy droppingto his knees as he watches Troy having the bottle and the girls can't keep their hands all over him. (Dramatic slow mo.)
*TROY IS IN FIRST OUTFIT*Girls snatch the bottle out of Troy's hands and are fighting over the bottle of hot sauce.
Hot sauce on a Rock with the Beach Behind it.VO Line(Maybe have sequence of Troy walking off with girls behind him)
Image Attributions: (https://pixabay.com/en/sea-ocean-blue-water-wave-nature-2562563/) - StockSnap - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)