4. Yeah I dont but I just feel hung over I dont know but even if I did it wouldlnt really matter
2. I really dont want to either I feel a little hung over also which is not good
3. what do you mean you dont drink how could you be hung over and you do sports so thats a dumb idea if you do
1. I really do not want to go to school today really only because we have bashketball practice after and we have to run
5. Yes it does but whatever we have school
4. No im good and you should have said that too why are you drinking this that is not good for you and you do sports are you dumb. That bottle if half empty, are you drunk?
6. You are going to get in so much trouble and you better stop drinking that is so dangerous for you like we are only in 8th grade
2. OMG why do you have that
3. what do you mean its really good you should try some
5. Maybe I am just a little but calm down its not that big of a deal ill just throw it away soon
1. Look down at my bad
4. NO! I am not crazy drinking honestly calms me down especally after a hard day at school and practice.
2. I am fine I have been drinking for months im...
6. Yeah watever I dont care.
5. Yes you are and it dosent make it right to drink and really you make it sound like you are 30 years old and had a hard day at work but your not you are 14 years old and are just havinf a hard day at school
3. MONTHS that is not good for you at all. Do you know that over 5,000 kids die a year from drinking like are you crazy.
1. I really want you to know that I am scared for your life because this is not healthy for you