The overcrowding prisons in California's are getting worse! How can this be fixed?
If we executed the inmates on death row, then overcrowding would go down!
It suggest that there be drug rehab for drug offenders instead of prison...
John has a point.
That's not Right, John! The death penalty is wrong!
Actually John, as I've been researching, I learned that it's cheaper to keep inmates in prison for life than execute them.
Guys Enough! Let's relax. Now how can we find out who's right....HMM??
How about we do research on the pros and cons of the death penalty to see if it should be an option?
Yes John... I found it in a NBCNEWS article online called "To execute or not: A Question of Cost."
Is it right that they sit there on our tax dollars?!
Great Idea, Ian!
John and I will do research on the pros and Jill and Kina will research the cons.
You're On!
And then we will present our research to everyone in the office!
The Next Day...
What options do they suggest?
According to the Huffington Post, they mention alternatives for overcrowding and not one mention of using the death penalty.
Doing just these two options would save California $2.84 Billion!!
As well as lower the "truth in sentencing to 85% to 70% of their time.
The article also states that it costs an extra $90,000 per inmate to imprison someone sentenced to death — an additional expense that totals more than $63.3 million annually".
Are you sure that's accurate??
I know for a fact that it's cheaper to execute inmates than to keep them in prison!
What else did you find?
You say that life imprisonment is cheaper but just imagine how much more it will be if we abolish the death penalty.
The more we research, the more the death penalty is looking less and less like an option.
I learned that California's "death row costs taxpayers $114 million a year beyond the cost of imprisoning convicts for life".
NY Times High Costs of Death Row
I found an article emphasizing the ways the death penalty affects California.
So you're telling that costs more to kill death row inmates than to imprison them??
Well believe it! According a print ad I found on ACLU of NorCal, it says that it's so expensive due to appeals that can take up to 25 years!
That's unbelievable!
To be honest John, it's not looking good for our side.
If we were to end the death penalty, California would save $130 million per year!"
Any new findings?
NY Times When We Kill: Why the Death Penalty is Wrong Nicolas Kristof
Through extensive research, we have learned that using the death penalty for reducing overcrowding prisons is not an option because...
In an article I found by Nicolas Kristof, he says that continuing the death penalty is wrong because there's a possibly that the person being executed could be innocent!
The money used to house death row inmates could be used for programs that would discourage criminal behavior and avoid prison altogether.
According to Britannica it states that The existence of the death penalty as a possible sentence leads to guilty pleas that save the money spent on trials and limit the opportunity for appeals.”
Exercising the death penalty more often runs the risk of executing an innocent man or woman.
Hey Kina, we won this for sure!
They both feel that if there were programs in place for kids in the low income communities, that would deter them and hence being less kids behind bars.