Peace be upon this sacred assembly. I am Holy Orders. After Jesus left, He gave me the power to preach the gospel to His apostles. I give people the power to become priests and give them a special grace. That way they can carry out their tasks with humility, integrity, and fidelity.
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Peace and blessings to you all. I am Reconciliation. I help people to start reflecting on their life and sins. I teach them that they must acknowledge what they have done and show remorse for having offended God, to avoid future sin. I will then help them confess their sins to a priest who will act as a mediator. And through penance, absolution, and repentance, God will forgive their sins so they can become a better follower.
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Blessings upon you, brothers and sisters. I am Confirmation. I signify the strengthening of a person's relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. I involve the anointing of the forehead with chrism, a fragrant oil blessed by the bishop, and the laying on of hands. I help Christians receive a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which will deepen their baptismal commitment and empower them for service in the Church and in the world.