Beowulf's men slept as Beowulf waited, when he heard Grendel approach he got ready. Beowulf began to prepare for a fight. Grendel came quickly and smashed down the door, but was caught off guard as Beowulf attacked him instead of running. With a great pull, Beowulf shattered Grendel's talon-like claws and pulled off his arm. Grendel mortally wounded returned to his lair to die.
Beowulf would hang the torn arm of Grendel from the rafters. The Danes and Geats feasted together and shared treasures. But the loathsomeful and livid mother of Grendel sought revenge, and that night stole her son's arm back. bringing it with her to her lair.
Beowulf swam to the bottom of the swamp to find the lair. He had slain Grendel but sought to purge the rest of his lineage. However, his trusted sword broke as he fought the bog witch. Spotting a magical sword forged by giants, he grabbed that and slew her. Spotting Grendel's corpse he cut off the head of Grendel as a prize. The monster's blood boiled the water and melted the sword. Then swam back up to the surface, sword hilt and head in hand. Before departing for his homeland.
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