This is about how a heroic reformer reformed the church and how his role contributed towards the betterment of society (Europe in the 16th century).
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Welcome to the Show! Today you'll get to travel back in time to see the role that Martin Luther played in the Protestant Reformation and how his role had impacted Europe
In this time period, Luther believed that, having sincere faith in God was the way to achieve salvation. But what he saw did not reflect his belief. So he decided to reform the church and stop the sale of indulgences
STOP! What are you doing?! This is not the way to reach salvation!!!
HELP!! Save me from SIN!
Never fear! Indulgences are here.
Luther published his "Ninety Five Theses" to protest against the sale of indulgences. The Ninety Five Theses were about Luther's emphasized idea that salvation could be achieved through true faith in God. The Ninety-Five Theses sparked a controversy regarding the sale of indulgences. The significance of the Ninety Five Theses was that they not criticized the practices of the Church but they were that catalyst for church reform and that the Ninety Five were what essentially challenged the certain doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church. This was one of the ways of how Luther's ideas spread