The GiverLois LowryA'Mya Lane2nd periodWednesday September4
In a utopian society there lived a 11 year old boy named Jonas.
Jonas is about to turn 12. It's when it's decided by the elders what job you will be given as an adult.The problem is Jonas was very worried and unsure what he would be chosen to do.
During the selection task.The ceremony when each child is moved up to a new year. The new 11's are last to be called as they will be given their jobs.It was time,Jonas' number got skipped! in a gasp of suspense. He is called last and his job is to be the new receiver of memory
Jonas has intended training as the receiver.He learns about the life before the utopia it's when he asked to see his father perform a release that he secretly realizes what is really murder.
His new memories he conceived a plan to escape with Gabe, a baby his father has been nurturing whose life has been threatened. Together they bolt, running at night and sleeping by day, In hope to escape to Elsewhere.
The text states that Gabe and Jonas witness cold, fear, and starvation. They also helped each other and grew a loving bond.It ends by them sledding down the hill that was a memory of Jonas and him together.