I forbid colonists from going onto and settling on the newly won land.
How unfair!
The Stamp Act
Let's place a duty on many different kinds of documents.
What a great idea
Lexington and Concord
We will win this fight!!!
British colonists started to move in to French Territory. The French got angry, and allied with some Native American groups, and fought Great Britain. After a long time in battle, Great Britain defeated the French. They took control of all the land all the way to the Mississippi River.
The Stamp Act Boycott
Don't buy British goods!!
The King issued a proclamation that forbade the colonists from settling in the newly won land. The king placed over 10,000 troops to make sure the colonists would not settle there. The colonists were outraged. They thought that it was a punishment against them.
The Stamp Act Congress
Dear Parliament...
The Stamp Act was passed by Parliament in 1765. It placed a duty on many kinds of different documents. The colonist protested this Act.
Stamp Act Repealed / Declatory Act
British troops and colonial militiamen fought at Lexington and Concord. This was in Massachusets. It was in April, 1775.
Second Continental Congress
What should we do?
I'm not sure.
Colonial leaders called on the colonists to boycot all British goods. The colonists claimed only their elected leader was able to tax them. The colonists were once again outraged.
Colonial leaders organized the Stamp Act Congress in New York. Together they sent Parliament a united protest. They were all from nine different colonies.
Parliament finally repealed the Stamp Act. The same day they repealed it, they passed the Declatory Act. This said that parliment could make all decisions for the colonists whatsoever.
Lets pass an act that states that we are allowed to make decisions for the colonists at all times!
This was the second time these delegates met. They were deciding whether to keep peace with Britain, or to split with Great Britain. This took place in May, 1775.
Townshed Acts
There was a tax on glass.
There was a tax on lead
There was a tax on paper
There was a tax on tea
The Tea Act
I do not think the British East India Company should have to pay duties.
I agree
The Boston Tea Party
We're now independent!!!
Common Sense
The Townshed Acts placed duties on a wide range of goods that were imported from overseas. Colonists again resisted with boycotts. Parliament repealed all duties except for the duty on tea.
The Coercive Acts
You colonists have to follow these laws.
The Tea Act allowed a British company that grew its tea in India to import tea without paying taxes. This made their tea cheaper than any other tea the colonists imported. The colonists were again very upset.
The Coercive Acts - Quartering
In protest of the Tea Act, Colonists boarded several ships filled with the company's tea. The colonists disguised themselves as Native Americans. They threw 342 chests of tea in the water.
First Continental Congress
For now on, we shall not trade with Britain.
Common Sense was a pamphlet published by Thomas Paine. It was supposed to persuade the delegates to split from Britain. It used many of John Locke's ideas. It helped them make their final decision, which was to split from Britain.
Parliament passed the Coercive Acts as a punishment - mainly to Boston. Some of the laws violated The English Bill of Rights. The colonists called the Acts intolerable.
The Quartering Acts was one of a series of laws that Parliament made the colonists follow. The Quartering Act required colonists to house British soldiers. The colonists were furious.
Finally sleep.
In 1774, delegates from 12 colonies met in Philidelphia. The reason they met was to plan a united response to the Coercive Acts. They finally decided to send a letter to the king. They also organized a boycott, and banned all trading with Britain.