Stephano offers Calliban wine to make him feel better while Trinculo discusses about the island.
You’ll be lord of the island then, and I’ll be your servant.
I didn’t do anything. I need to get away from you.
Calliban says that Trinculo isn't courageous. They then have an argument about Trinculo being courageous enough to shake down a police officer.Stephano then says Trinculo needs to be polite.
Calliban says hes enslaved to a tyrant, Ariel then comes on (invisible) and says that he lies. Calliban says to Stephano to kill Trinculo, but Trinculo says he didn't say anything.
In a half an hour he’ll be asleep.
Calliban starts to tell Stephano that Stephano can rule the island with him as his servant if they kill Prospero.
Calliban says that he can knock a nail through Prospero's head and Ariel shouts back you lie. Calliban then gets angry with Trinculo again and Trinculo shocked, said he didn't say anything. Stephano then beats him up.
In half an hour Prospero would be asleep says Calliban. They then go off to kill Prospero. But Ariel has gone to warn him.