Why should I care what they think, I can be special in my own way.
Let’s leave him in here and lock him up for good.
Nevertheless, Papilio never seemed to care, he was happy with who he was. But one day, Papilio crossed the line and aggravated the moths and caterpillar leaders when he decided to tell others they could be unique and content with who they were.
The caterpillars along with the moths got together and captured Papilio. They agreed to leave him in a deep cave.
Oh, so good, this is delicious!
Now Papilio was all alone, with no light to feed him, growing weak and afraid.
He began wandering through the cave until he began to see a light, it called to him, he went out to see what it was.
What could that be?
There, at the end of the tunnel of the cave, he found a white rose that was glowing majestically and surrounded by sky light. Intrigued by the plant, he went over and took a bite from it.
Suddenly, he began to feel a rumbling in his stomach and grew very tired.
I’ll just take a nap, hopefully I feel better by tomorrow.