This is the Part 1 of the Martina book. When she was a refugee from German.
Storyboard Text
Martina. Berlin to Baghad. Refugee to Spook
Martina. Berlin to Baghad. Refugee to Spook This is the Middle East.
Note: Mark Israel out as a separate country. The rest of the peninsula below Turkey and West of Iran, is all one country. The Middle East Arab Country, or MEAC.
Midde East Arab Country MEAC
Israel's big friend is Middle East Arab Country, or MEAC. MEAC is the most liberal, progressive, equal, free, egalitarian, educated, rich country in the world. It is run by a group of 50 women known as The Women Committee
Martina. Berlin to Baghad. Refugee to Spook This is Martina. She is leaving Germany.
Martina, the German war veteran, wants to leave Germany for Middle East. She heads towards France. But does she know that Henry, one of her rapists now lives in Paris? Does she have a plan for him?
This is Europe in the late 1960's. It is impoverished, intolerant, especially towards women, gay people, and children. This might be because Germany didn't lose WW2. It was allowed to 'withdraw' intact after handing Hitler's dead corpse to the Americans. So Marshall aid didn't come, instead it went to Israel. And Europe increasingly fell under the influence of The Vatican.
Martina. Berlin to Baghad. Refugee to Spook Here come the girls
Britain carved the middle east into a number of small countriess at the time Israel came into being. The fearful leaders of the Arab countries joined together to counter a turbocharged Israel after it received Marshall Aid.The Arab leaders ruled the new unified country in a council but their incompetence lead the population to revolt. To gain popularity they invaded Israel and all perished in the resultant war. Female civil servants, who became known as The Female Committee inherited the country and made it the best place to live, ever.
Martina. Berlin to Baghad. Refugee to Spook Rosa is going home to Italy
European continent is backwards, misogynistic, jobless, crime and corruption ridden place dominated by The Vatican. Everyone wants to leave and go to the Middle East. During Germany's war with Israel in 1967, Martina was a young soldier. When she came across a women being tortured, she stepped in and stopped it. A few days later Martine was surrounded by 3 fellow soldiers and gang raped. It took her a long time to recover. But she vowed she could never be so vulnerable again. She became a martial arts master and a sharpshooter.
Martina. Berlin to Baghad. Refugee to Spook Into the land of the Sphinx
Martina leaves Paris in a hurry. Why? What is she trying to get away from? Whilst still in France, Martina is sleeping in her car when she gets rudely awoken by someone knocking on her window. Who is this rude man? What does he want? Martina rescues Hilda, Helena and an Italian teenager Rosa. But why were they chained up? And where do they go now?
In Italy they had problems with youths in the Inn, and then with nuns in the monastry. After overcoming all problems, Rosa arrived home. Why was Rosa not welcomed in her home village? Where then did she go? Why did Martina have to pull a gun on a nun to rescue Rosa (again)?
Egypt is where they flee to after Italy. Hilda falls in love and then goes missing. What does her fiancée have say about where she could be? She is in trouble and held captive. But, in a way, its a good thing. Why? Well, because a young boy called Yusuf is found captive at the same place. When Martina rescues Hilda, she also frees Yusuf, How does Martina do it?