Ah! As I had ever wanted, I really wanted to do classes in my room with my own laptop, Sweet!!!
I had been away from my home and had travelled to my two grandmothers and grandfathers' house, where I accidently left the system in my 2nd grandmother and grandfather's house.
Day 50
Unfortunately, I had to do it on my aunt's system, I really wanted mine, this was bad, at least for me.
Day 95
School closed again, I think it will never open
Being back at home was one of the most best things I love, 25 days went nice and looked forward for more.
Day 100
50 days! still no problem, nothing special happened, but the regular days were just fine.
I got sad to know that I still had to do online classes, so boring now, I really felt irritated and sad, the situation was getting ok to horrible.