the first concentration camp was in Dachau, Germany
i hope i dont become a test subject.
Nazis Boycott all Jewish companies in Germany
Jewish Company
In 1993 Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. His plan was to make Germany powerful and a one-party state, which he did accomplish. He began by adding an expansion to the police force, they were called Nazis. The Nazis did everything and anything Hitler asked them to do. And suddenly Nazi, Germany was changed and there was nothing anyone could do to stop them.
Nazis burn all anti-Nazi and Jewish authored books
The first concentration camps was created a little after 5 weeks of Hitler being Chancellor. the camp was about 12 miles and was a training center for all other organized camps. In 1942 a gas chamber was built but never used, if you were needed to be put in a gas chamber you would be sent somewhere else to do so. Dachau was also the most important camp because they used prisoners as test subjects for experiments.
Jewish people are no longer allowed to serve in the German armed forces
we've been working like this for so long why are we getting kicked out now
A little less then three months of Hitler being chancellor and they start targeting Jewish owned companies and offices. To do this Nazi soldiers would stand outside of the stores and offices and yell things such as "dont buy from Jews" and "Jews are our misfortune". Many Germans ignored them and kept shopping at the stores and the campaign to stop them only lasted one day.
All homosexual males are sent to concentration camps
i just want to be free
In 1933 student groups would hold "book burnings" This is when they take anti-Nazi books and Jewish authored books and burn them. Many crowds would witness the burning books, many were even Jewish. The largest book burning had almost 40,000 people there gathering to watch.
Nazi's will rule forever!
In March of 1935 it was declared that Jews can no longer work in the Armed Forces. Before the Nazis took over many Jews worked in the Armed Forces. For years and years later Jews did not dream of going to the military, because they believe the army took part in killing the Jews.
There was a campaign against males being homosexual and killed men who were from 1933 to 1945. Nazis closed gay meeting places and bars, they also arrested you if you were a homosexual male. When Hitler became chancellor he was obsessed with race and how people looked. He wanted them to be tall, have blue eyes, and blonde hair. Along with not wanting homosexual males in Germany.