Yes! Free it from Hamas. I want my country to make peace with Gaza, but this cannot happen with terrorist entities
No Food Until The Government Stops Funding Genocide
Huh? What are you talking about? Whatever... Free Free Palestine
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Wait Wait Wait. I thought Israel was the problem in creating peace...
Initially the Jewish homeland was originally supposed to be in Uganda, but was later decided to move to Israel. The land of Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people - it is our ancestral homeland. The Arab people had a chance to own half of the country in '48, but they rejected it and ultimately lost it during the War of Independence when Israel defended themselves from oncoming enemies who wanted their destruction.
No Food Until The Government Stops Funding Genocide
Why Israel? Isn't that the Palestinian homeland?
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OMG. Thank you for enlightening me on the truth. I now know why you are a Zionsit. The Jewish state seems amazing!
It really is! You should come vist.
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Me a colonizer - that is ridiculous! I support the ONLY Jewish state in the world, where all people have rights!
No. no. no. The Jewish people have lived in Israel for thousands of years and have most recently returned after Hertzel encouraged Jews to move back to the land and put pressure on governments to grant the Jews a state of their own so they can be safe and live peacefuly