Evaporation is the process of the liquid changing into a gas (Vapor).
An example would be when a puddle evaporates into the air, it takes energy from the heat surrounding it to turn into gas, leaving the floor cool.
Convection is heat transfer in fluid (Liquid and gases) due to the movement of fluids itself. Convection happens because of density. Hot water has a lower density than cold water so it floats on top of cold water, then as it looses its heat on the outsides, it falls back down and creates a natural circulation called the convection current.
For example, a hot air balloon. The hot air rises because it is less dense, and makes the hot air balloon rise.
Evaporative cooling:
Oh no, I just spilled water everywhere!Ehh, at least it water evaporates at any temperature
Solids are better conductors than liquids and gases because the particles are closer together in solids
Conduction is when energy passes through a solid. This happens when particles pass vibrations to one another. Some materials are good conductors. Like metals (Copper is best). Poor conductors called insulators include wood, plastic, glass and rubber.
Conduction is the main method of heat transfer within a solid. And there has to be a temperature difference for heat transfer.
To help us understand his weaknesses
The heat hook
In case a villain like him is to appear again, we must know this to defeat them.
Okay class, so how does learning about heat transfer help us with the villain Heat Hook?
And to expand our knowledge on one of the greatest villains of all time