The Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning tells Henry Foster that he is going to make a public example of Bernard Marx by announcing to a crowd that he will be transferred to a Sub-Reservation in Iceland. This is important because it shows that the DHC is cautious and worried about Bernard's behavior that threatens stability, and shows that he is not bothered much by the fact that he will be sacrificed for the greater good of the society.
"A public example. In This room, because it contains more high-caste workers than any other in the Centre" (Huxley 147).
When Bernard Marx comes, the DHC starts talking about the reasons why Bernard Marx should be sent to Iceland. In response, Bernard Marx brings in Linda and John. Linda, seeing the DHC, immediately recognizes him, and says in front of the crowd that he made her have a baby. This is important, because this action would have reduced the social standing of the director, and it also shows how Bernard would use any means to make raise his own position in society, which is shown when he uses Linda and John.
"You made me have a baby" (Huxley 151).
When John calls out to the DHC as "father", the entire crowd starts laughing, and the DHC, angry and humiliated at John and Linda, runs out of the room. This is important because John's statement delivered a decisive blow to the DHC's reputation, and further affirmed the fact that the social standing of the DHC would be reduced. It also ensures of Bernard's Marx plan of continuing to stay in London a success.
"My father!" (Huxley 151).
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