Why would the Sun do this I just want to be with a Plant and now I feel like Gravity is pulling me deeper and deeper into the soil and I'll become groundwater Ohhhh no!
Hey what are you doing here Wally? listen I don't want any trouble ok I'm just trying to find a Plant will you guys please let me discharge into this lake ok Groundwater? Fine but what is discharging again? ok so discharging is when the water in the ground discharges into the lake is which just going through the dirt and soil into the lake and that what's discharge is bye groundwater
Ohhh great the animal from the start is back and is about to drink meeeeeeeeee.
Great I've just been excreted out of this Animal which is the process of an animal peeing the liquid just like me or throwing up or even blood and great now I'm going into the soil AGAIN.
Wait finally I found a plant, hey Plant is there any chance I could be absorbed by you? Yes I would Love to but you can't stay for long.
wait why can't I stay with you forever? Because Wally your apart of the water cycle and so am I we have to fill out are duty's I'm sorry but maybe your purpose in life wasn't to find me Wally maybe to travel around the water cycle, hey maybe your right Plant thank you and I have to bye thanks for thanks for the help!!