Hello, I am going to be telling you about India's 5 levels of the Caste System
William Walton1/31/22
-The Brahmins job is to protect and promote welfare within the society 1.Arange prayers and rituals2.The Brahmins were mostly priests
-Protect and promote material welfare within the society1.20% of India's population is within this category2.kshatriya are the rulers and warriors of the society
Outcast- Out of Caste (Untouchables)
-The people are agriculturalists, traders, money leaders, and those involved in commerce 1.They are twice born2.They go to the Brahmins' ashram to learn the rules of a virtuous life
-They are normally artisans and laborers 1.They are not allowed to enter a Temple2.They can only serve the upper three castes as a slave
-They are manual scavengers, cleaning latrines and sewers by hand1.They preform jobs that are unclean and they do exhausting hours of labor2.They get paid little