I advise you to work for the noble Orsino. He owns a very large estate and needs help around the business.
Curio and Orsino are in a bar listening to sad country music. Orsino is stating how he is so in love with Olivia and is sad becuase he has been rejected.
A Master Plan ACT 1 Scene 2
He does sound nice, Ok let's do it
Valentine arrives and shares the news that Olivia has rejected the world for the next seven years. She will not leave here estate in honour of her fallen brother.
The Plan Takes Hold ACT 1 Scene 2
The three men decide to leave the bar and take a trip in the truck along the highway to get Orsino's mind off Olivia and his broken heart.
Working for the Man ACT 1 Scene 4
Ah there you both are. We where looking for you
Yes I was just telling Cesario about his excellent performance under your command
Viola is distraught so she asks the captain if he has seen her brother because she fears he is dead after the plane crash. The Captain tells her he thinks he saw the brother clinging to some of the wreckage.
The Meeting Place ACT 1 Scene 4
Cesario may I talk with you in private
Viola and the Captain go to a nearby cafe. Viola asks the Captain about his hometown. She learns that Orsino is the leader of the town and that he is in love with Olivia. Unfortunately Olivia has secluded herself from the world in honour of her dead brother. Viola likes the idea of hiding herself away from the world.
We Need To Talk Ceasrio ACT 1 Scene 4
Captain advises Viola to work for Orsino and that she should do it disguised as a man. Viola agrees as she is intrigued by the rumours about Orsino.
The Captain leads Viola to his house to disguise her. When she emerges she is dressed as a handsome young man named Cesario.
Cesario, and Valentine are outside Orsino's mansion. Orsino and Curio walk up to meet the men.
Orsino has all of the men enter the lounge room. He decides that he needs to have a private talk with Cesario about Olivia.
Orsino and Cesario walk up the stairs to have a talk away from eavesdropping ears.
The Private Talk ACT 1 Scene 4
Go to Olivia and tell her exactly what I just told you and take the others as backup
Yes sir
It Has Been Decided ACT 1 Scene 4
Thank you my friends
The Mission ACT 1 Scene 4
"No problem Orsino"
Off To See Olivia ACT 1 Scene 4
Now we wait
I'm hungry
I'm bored
Upon This Bus We Shall Go ACT 1 Scene 4
Orsino declares his desperate love of Olivia to Cesario and asks him to take a journey to her house and persuade her to give Orsino a chance. Ceasrio is not sure that the plan will work. Orsino hints that he knows Cesario is not a man but a woman who can convince Olivia.
Orsino and Cesario walk back down the stairs and meet with Valentine and Curio in the hallway. Cesario informs the others that they are going to visit Olivia and not leave until she had fallen in love with Orsino.
Orsino encourages Cesario to take as many people as he can to convince Olivia. Orsino ensures that he will be alright by himself in his large house until they return with his one true love.
Cesario (Viola) is concerned that she has to play the matchmaker for the man she wants to marry. But she knows she has to fulfil Orsino's wishes.
The bus arrives to take the three to see Olivia. What will happen once they arrive? Can Cesario convince Olivia to fall in love with Orsino? or will Cesario (Viola) foil the plan and make Orsino fall in love with her? The plot thickens!