Time Cat The "Waterloo Surprise" by Billy Lowther, Grade 6
There is talk of war.
Waterloo -->
They need us in Waterloo, Gareth.
What should we do, Gareth? Napoleon has escaped prison and is marching towards Waterloo with 200,000 men???
Jason and Gareth discover they have arrived in Britain. It is 1815, and people everywhere are worried about Napoleon Boneparte invading their countries.
I have returned to conquer Europe! Surrender or die!
Jason and Gareth leave Britain for Waterloo to fight.
Jason wonders how the British will defend themselves from a massive French army under General Napoleon.
There is nothing to fear, Jason. It is a well known fact that the Emperor is scared of cats. Wait until he gets closer...
Napoleon announces that he has escaped prison, and restores his army. He quickly takes over France and most of Europe before facing the British and Dutch.
rrrrRRRRarrrrRRR! Hiss! Hiss!
200,000 soldiers march.
Retreat! Retreat! Battre en retraite!
Napoleon's Army Charges towards Waterloo
Gareth assures Jason that the British have a secret weapon... Napoleon's well-known fear of cats!