In this comedic film, Henry a lonely office worker finds himself the victim of a cruel prank played by his co-workers.
Storyboard Text
So funny!
A typical office space, work stations line in the sterile walls as far as the eyes can see.
He's perfect
So sophisticated
So hot
Henry, a gangly frizzy haired office clerk with large thick frame glasses. He types away at his worn keyboard.
Henry's concentration is broken by giggles emanating from the other end of the room. He peers away from his cubical
Chris (20's) is surrounded by 3 coworkers. All in their 20's and equally attractive. Everyone is engrossed with the Adonis good looks and charming smile of Chris.
Henry looks on saddened and jealous by the affection that Chris is receiving. Henry peers away from the horrid scene to see...
Marie (20's) a gorgeous office queen-bee dressed in professional attire. Henry's kryptonite. She struts into the office, her perfectly curled hair whips around her face
Hi Chris
Henry zeros in on her lost in a trance.
Henry's mouth is open wide, love struck as Marie walks by is cubical. To him everything has stopped moving and time has slowed down.
I love you!
Marie walks towards Chris. As he sees her his attention immediately darts towards Marie. The coworkers are angered and saddened by Marie's presence.
Marie walks past Henry, straight into Chris's embrace. The office is streaming with angry and sadness, as Marie has Chris's heart.
Henry seethes with jealously.
Henry is fogged with anger as he watches the circus of affection. An idea hits him.
He rises from his desk. straightens his back. mops down a tuft of hair and adjusts his tie.
With tempered determination, Henry walks towards Marie when...
He trips over a bin, tumbling pathetically onto the ground.
The loud noise causes Marie and Chris to look at Henry. They start uncontrollably laughing at Henry's expense.
Henry falls onto the ground. His glasses are flown off his face from the impact.
Henry collects himself and glances around to see everyone's eyes on him.
What a loser!
How embarrassing
He rises to his feet and shamefully starts to slowly walk back to his cubical.
Marie and Chris have calmed down from their laughing, to comment on the embarrassing moment they just witnessed
still embarrassed Henry makes it back to his cubical. his confidence non-existent.
He slowly starts to sink into his chair, his arms supporting the weight of his head. He sighs.
He pulls out a piece of paper and scribbles work onto it. The office is back to normal