Jesus died for us and our sins. He rose again from the dead after three days.
Paul spoke about Jesus to many people and God
The Gentiles gloried the word of God and believed in Jesus.
Jesus died for us and our sins. He rose again from the dead after three days.
Jesus died for us and our sins. He rose again from the dead after three days.
Jesus died for us and our sins. He rose again from the dead after three days.
Jesus died for us and our sins. He rose again from the dead after three days.
Jesus died for us and our sins. He rose again from the dead after three days.
Paul and Barnabus arrive in Iconium. The city is divided. Some people side with the Jews, while others, the apostles.
They learned that an attack was planned by both Gentiles and Jews to stone Paul and Barnabus. They fled to Lystra and Derbe to preach the Gospel there. While there they healed a crippled man. The people started to call them Gods.
Jews coming from Antioch and Iconium convinced the crowds to stone Paul. Thinking he was dead they dragged him out of the city.
When disciples gathered around him, he stood up. The next day he and Barnabas departed for Derbe. They went to many cities preaching the Gospel, making disciples, and strengthening their faith still they came to Antioch. When they had gathered in the church, they reported what God had done through them and how He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. In the church, they stayed a long time with the disciples.