-Charlamagne , the King of Franks has been fighthing against the pagans , King Marsillion -Marsilion sends his messenger Blacandrin and pretends to offer peace and promises to convert to Christianity if Charlemagne's army leaves spain.
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- Charlemagne ask his nephew Roland to go to Marsilion but he refuses and recommend his step father Ganelon, to negotiate with Marsilion.- Ganelon secretly hates Roland and decides to betray him.
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Riding back to Saragossa together with the Saracen messengers, he tells the Saracens how to ambush the rear guard of Charlemagne's army which is led by Roland as the Franks pick their way to France. Ganelon finds an opportunity and plotted Roland's death .
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Realizing the battle is lost , Roland finally blows the Olifant, to call for help , but injures himself by doing so.Charlamagne and his army hear the olifant and hirry back, but they arrive too late to save Rolland.
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-Roland leads the rear guard along with 20,000 soldiers , his friend Oliver and Archbishop turpin who blessed the war.-They are attacked by 100,000 Saracens and Roland bravely refuses to call for help , seeing it as cowardly.-Roland and his men fight heroically, but they are outnumbered and start to lose the battle.
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Charlamagne mourns Roland's death and lead his army to defeat King Marsilion forces while Ganelon is captured and punished for his betrayal