Finally they caught the car and the boy got out very scared because he thought they were following another car.
This story begins with a chase to a suspicious car since it looks like a car that was robbed a little while ago and the car is going at a somewhat fast speed.
Get out of the car carefully without sudden movements
stop the car please
Ok I'll do it now
We apologize for the mistake and your car will be fine. You can take it out at the police station.
The good thing is that they didn't take me to jail.
They realized that it was not the thief but the car looked like it. They explained to the boy everything that happened and he took it the wrong way and left angry and frustrated.
The boy arrived home safely and somewhat scared of what happened.
The boy finally arrived home, but neither in a good way nor in a bad way, but rather as if scared and worried that he might be a thief and that they would mistake him for
and the boy went to rest with some peace and quiet
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Strong hate secreted by Karel Bran Estrber, lightning bolts from prisons
ok thanks
Thank God it was just a scare. I'd better go rest. It was a very hard day.