The Filipino people want independence, and I will sustain the cause of my country until the last resource is exhausted, thus fulfilling the oath I made to the flag. Calmly and without exaggeration I sincerely confess that it is better to die on the field of battle rather than accept any domination.
I have asked the people if they wanted autonomy. Do you know what they answered? ‘Long live Independence! Down with Autonomy!
Long live Independence! Down with Autonomy!
We are frugal, and our frugality, added to the provisions which the people give us, is an important factor.
Let everybody work, some of the men on the battlefield, others in cultivating the soil, the women and children in making bandages and clothes, and attending the wounded and comforting them, in making cartridges, if possible, and then we shall attain our ideal.
General Merritt ( Wesley Merritt ), in his proclamation of the 13th of August, 1898, said, “The United States declare to be the champion of oppressed peoples, and will not take an inch of Filipino territory.” Compare these words with what is now taking place, when at San Juan del Monte the American soldiers opened fire upon our troops, thus commencing hostilities.
I calculate at $150,000 gold the daily expenditure of the Americans for their army and navy. Each day that passes is a victory for us whose wants are few, and two defeats for them, - namely, one defeat for losses caused by the climate, and the other an economical defeat.
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