Hi this is present Jacob. Most of you don't know much about me. But when I was younger, I had a hard time reading and writing. In first grade, I had a teacher who wasn't the best at teaching. She was kind but when it came to teaching English skills, she lacked. Now I'll let you continue reading.
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Not a test...
A test-
Hi class, Today we will be doing individual reading and writting tests at my desk
Oh a test, this is going to be easy!
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Jacob, you're first come to my desk!
Jacob you're going first!
Phew, glad I am not the first one.
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Hi Jacob! All I need you to do is read this book out loud and answer a few questions.
I am not going to do good, I am not going to do good!!
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Let's go! Three day weekend baby!
Tomorrow there is n school. Instead you'll come in with your parents for a parent teacher conference where will discuss your test scores. Have a good weekend!
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After School....
How do you guys think you did on the test?
Oh I totally think I did super well!
Better than both you two I bet!
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Okay. I just want to go to my room.
Hi Honey! How was school?
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I know I didn't do good on the test... What if I get kicked out of school! What if I don't get to go to college! WHAT IF MY PARENTS HATE ME.
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At the Parent Teacher Conference.....
Jacob is behind compared to his peers in both reading and writing skills. It is highly recommended he takes some extra classes.
Okay, we will have to look into that.
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Anyway, basically I was so upset that I wasn't at the same level at reading and writing as my peers. I started off doing summer reading with a teacher that summer to help me Improve . I hated it. It was only 3 hours, once week, at the library but I felt as if I was a prisoner locked away. I was so angry at my parents it felt like steam was coming out of my head. After the summer was over it was like my reading and writing skills stayed the same or even got worse. I would have to take a different approach
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During Summer Reading...
So do you understand anything Jacob?
Uhhh,.. Nope!
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Later that Night...
How is summer reading going?
Horrible mom. Can you please find me something else?
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The Next Day...
Hey Jacob. I found you a program that will substitute your summer reading.
Imagine having to take extra classes!
As long as it's not summer reading.
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The program my mom found was called learning RX. It was pretty expensive, but my parents were willing to spend any amount of money to help me. I was not so opposed to it because it was after school, 2 times a week, 5-6:30PM. My twin brother Isaac, would always rub it into my face that he didn't have to take extra classes. He was always super good at reading and writing. I always felt like a candle in the wind when It came to writing. Whatever I did I my flame would always stop. it was a never ending loop of no improvement until this program would change my education for the better.
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2 Months Later...
Why do I have to sit and wait for him to finish!?
I don't want to go!
Are you ready for your first day of the new learning program, Jacob?
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Hi Jacob! There is nothing to worry about! Now let's have a fun time and learn some things!
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Now learning RX was not just a focus of reading and writing. It was overall aimed to help boost your learning. It helped with all aspects of the brain making you improve at every subject. I was a really smart kid but language arts didn't click with me. At first I was super nervous. My teacher made me get over my anxiety about the program. After just 4 weeks I was able to recite the names of every president in order, beat my teacher in tic tack toe every time, and even be able to solve complex puzzles. Now you might think, how does this relate to reading and writing. Well it did.
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Try and name the presidents in order!
Washigton, Adams, Jefferson. Madison....
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Although, the program didn't specifically tackle reading and writing. The exercises I did made me become so much better at reading and writing. My test scores sky rocketed and I went from being really bad at reading and writing to excelling in every subject.
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Picture of me and my teacher after my 24month learning RX Program.
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In Middle School (2 years later)
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What's a noun?
Man I want to go home!
Person, place, or thing!
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In present day, I feel like my writing skills have improved so much. After my experience, I came to really enjoy writing. I loved all the little things about it. How I can use my creativity. I hope that my writing continues to improve and I am looking forward to what's next in my writing journey.