Hey Amanda! You looked upset yesterday. How have you been?
Exhausted meaning, tired ! Exhausted meaning sick of just always being told what to do! Exhausted meaning done, just done, with the constant nagging and being controlled!
Exhausted? What do you mean by exhausted?
Wow! Amanda you seem really overwhelmed. Let's go into the class where we can get a bit of privacy and talk.
I just feel so overwhelmed. It's like I cannot even breathe without someone trying to control me. I just dream of being alone, no one nagging me. I just imagine freedom.
Okay, now tell me. Amanda, what's wrong?
So are you trying to say I am acting like a brat?
Amanda, my life is so differrent. I would give anything for someone to care enough to nag me and for someone to try to talk to me.
Sometimes I just think it would be better if I was alone, without anyone who 'cares so much' about me. I would have freedom and everybody wouldn't try to change me.
No Amanda, of course not. You are going through something completely different, beyond my imagination . All I'm trying to say is that some people don't have one person, let alone two parents who care so much about you.