Penelope took Odysseus’ bow out of storage for the suitors to string and shoot. Stringing it would have been impossible enough for the average man, but after that, they were to shoot it through twelve axe heads, and hit a bullseye. If anyone could do it, they could marry her. However, this was a task that could only be done by one person: Odysseus. This goes to show that, although his absence hurts her, she hasn’t yet given up hope for his return. Odysseus could never be replaced.
She waited, and wondered where he could be as he ventured along the wild blue sea
Her loyalty never wavered, even when it became unclear if he would ever return to her after all those years.
"Are you not coddled here enough, at table talking meat with gentlemen, your betters, denied nothing, and listening to our talk?"
"See how he handles it, the sly old buzzard!"
"My hand and eye are sound, not so contemptible as the young men say."
She could have easily given up when it was difficult to cope, but she loved him enough to hold out hope.
"... here and now, what sign could be so clear as our own bed? ... You make my heart stiff to know that I am yours."
"There's our sign! I know no more. Could someone else's hand have sawn that trunk and dragged the frame away?"
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