VO: When she is herself, you can usually find Dorothy hanging out with her dog
Or working hard on her school work.
Dorothy has another life though. One that sees her spending 100's of hours sewing, crafting and constructing. One that sees her spending her 100's of dollars on materials and one that total transforms who she is. (Include other b-roll of costume construction)
Dorothy is a cosplayer, someone who creates intricate costumes from pop culture, another time period or ones own imagination.
Clip of Dorothy talking about getting into cosplay and how it has changed her.
Cosplay isn't all rainbows and sunshine though. There are a lot of challenges that face cosplayers. For one, people in costume receive a lot of unwanted attention.
Cut to dorothy talking about harassment and cosplay does not equal consent. Footage of Ota Fest.
Another person familiar with the harassment that goes on in the cosplay world is Andrew. He does photography for a number of people in the community and has heard many accounts of what goes on.
Clip of Andrew talking about harassment etc.
We followed Dorothy for a bit to see what would happen. Sure enough, her costume did elicit a lot of attention.
Unfortunately, this is not the obstacle cosplayers face. Even amongst the girls within the community, there can be some squabbles.
Dorothy showing us the comments and discussing the in fighting.
Despite all the quarrels, for the most part everyone does get along and many have forged lasting relationships.
Dorothy on relationships she has formed.
Sadly, the conventions and the costuming can't last forever. As for the future, Dorothy is uncertain. (B-roll of different costumes)
Dorothy on growing up and out of cosplay.
Until then, Dorothy plans on continuing to do what she loves most, costuming.